Hitachi Koki opened up a new chapter in October 2018 when the brand name Hitachi became HiKOKI. Pronounced “hai-koh-key,” HiKOKI is derived from the English word “high” and the Japanese term “koki,” meaning “industrial machines. Hitachi Power Tools (U.K.) Ltd has been established in the U.K. since 1981 and moved into its current Head Office in 1987. The Hitachi power tool range has an excellent reputation based on product innovation as well as quality, durability and reliability backed by an excellent After Sales Service. Hitachi Power Tools are produced in five manufacturing plants throughout the world. The benefits obtained from this diverse manufacturing policy are the utilisation of local skilled labour, reliable component supply, economies of scale and geographical location. Every time you choose to purchase a Hitachi power tool, you can be assured not only that you have made an excellent choice, but the tool that you have chosen has been designed for your satisfaction and peace of mind.Mission Statement; To develop and produce an extensive range of power tools, utilising quality materials, the latest technologies and design expertise.
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